Louis Henry Mitchell
Louis became a special character designer artist at MTV Animation on the program
about the book

Qreative Evolution
The key mission of Qreative Evolution is to encourage artists from any and every creative discipline in their personal processes.
Qreative Evolution will give artists and creatives the tools and courage they need before they even attempt their art. This book is about what happens before we set out to create. Artists of every type are similar in many ways; most notably in the struggle with doubt.
The answers to those struggles have been developed and cultivated through the extraordinary life and career experiences of Louis Henry Mitchell, whose dreams of becoming an artist were attacked at every level. Consistent encouragement from a devoted mother gave him the wisdom that naysayers do not get a vote. Other people do not get to veto a dream.
About the Author
As Creative Director of Character Design, Louis Henry Mitchell directs and oversees all aspects of character art for Sesame Workshop, the non-profit organization behind Sesame Street. From designing the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons and floats to directing Sesame Street Muppet photo shoots, Louis has been a fulltime member of Sesame Workshop since the year 2000.
Most notably, Louis designed the character Julia, the first Sesame Street character on the autism spectrum. Julia was first designed exclusively as an illustrated character for an autism outreach book. Louis then expanded his design and art directed the Jim Henson Company in building the actual Muppet, and, ultimately, her family.

- SESAME STREET: 50 YEARS OF SUNNY DAYS: Featured speaker for ABC TV Special.
- SOMEBODY COME AND PLAY: Performing Arts Library Behind The Scenes Sesame Street's 45th Anniversary Exhibit
- NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM: Drawing Life Interview
- NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM 2019: Featured speaker "Muppets On Parade